Well friends, the Trenton Half Marathon has come and gone! After ten weeks of intense training... lots of complaining, carb-feasting, calorie counting, Power Ade chugging and energy gel slurping... I am so pleased to announce that not only did I finish the race strong, but I beat my goal time of two hours. I finished up at 1:52:13, which I am incredibly happy with. I am even happier that I woke up this morning feeling like a million bucks!
I ran this race for my learners. So what does half marathon running have to do with teaching English in Namibia? On the surface, not a whole lot. But look deeper...
My inspiration for completing this race came from my soon-to-be students in Omungwelume. Students who want to complete their education so that they may create a life for themselves better than the one they were given by their parents. Students who make sacrifices, take pride in their history and their culture, and who make the best out of circumstances that are completely foreign to Americans like us.
I've never been a teacher, but I kept close track of the qualities of the teachers I've had that made me work harder, push further, want more for my own self. These teachers were the ones who could listen, offer advice, and most of all, create inspiration to keep moving forward. How does one teach others to overcome challenges? To keep going when you're tired and want to give up? To keep believing that things will "pay off" someday?
I needed to find a way to prove to myself that all obstacles can be overcome. That no challenge is too great or too intimidating. So, I decided to do some soul searching and start in a place that I never imagined I would be... running. Before training, I could barely run three miles without facing complete exhaustion, disappointment, and self-loathing. Perfect place to find out what you're really made of.
My learners inspired me to overcome something that I didn't like, something that I had little ability in, and something that I dreaded.
In order to be the best teacher possible, I needed to prove to myself that I, too, can work hard and achieve great things. In order to inspire my learners, I needed to find the inspiration inside of myself, first. With only a few weeks left before my husband and I depart for Namibia, I am feeling energized, collected, reassured... and so ready to share this love with my learners.
So proud of you Jessie, I wish you could send me some of that self discipline!